Mr. Roel Dijksma, Wageningen University,
Mr Bertrand Vandoorne, ISA, Catholic University of Lille, France,
Environmental science needs a constant influx of young well-trained experts, as well for the continuity of fundamental research as for the application of all new knowledge gained. Nowadays the educational programmes of institutions like universities and polytechnic schools are under regular visitation and have to indicate the link to society. Given the increasing number of papers published in the field of Environmental science and the rapidly changing environment, it might be wise to train well-equipped disciplinary experts with a good knowledge on this specific domain. However, this can result in a large amount of sub-communities within Environmental Science, with hardly any or even no interdisciplinary links. An alternative is to create broad educational programmes at different levels related to Environmental Science, creating young generalists. Or should we do both?
This session will deal with an overview on some educational programmes and their focus and hopefully will lead to a discussion on which kind of educational programmes are needed in the coming decade.
Opening by the organisers, including keynote, presentation of a few selected abstracts, panel discussion, conclusions.
Session format may depend on the number of abstracts that will be submitted.