Session 7: A: Course on Landscape restoration with the 4 returns approach, B: investable business cases for landscape restoration


A: Course on landscape restoration with the 4 returns approach

Organisers: Simon Moolenaar, COMMONLAND,


In this short training we will explain the Commonland approach on landscape restoration for healthy landscapes and water systems which are the basis of our life.

Landscapes provide food, water, clean air, a stable climate, biodiversity, good health, security and happiness. However, one-fourth of the world’s land mass is seriously degraded from centuries of human activity.

Commonland® believes that landscape restoration offers tremendous untapped opportunities for sustainable economic development. To demonstrate this potential, we develop landscape restoration projects that are based on business cases.

Multidisciplinary teams actively involve investors, companies and entrepreneurs in long-term restoration partnerships with farmers and land-users. Long-term commitment is important as it takes approximately 20 years – or one generation – to restore a landscape. Our holistic restoration approach combines and connects natural and economic landscape zones and delivers 4 returns®.

Our goal is to realize large-scale landscape restoration with local farmers, land-users and experts, based on sustainable 4 returns business cases. Our mission is to contribute to a large-scale landscape restoration industry, aligned with international policies and guidelines.

Format: Short training on the COMMONLAND Approach


B: Workshop on Investable Business cases for landscape restoration


will follow soon.

Organisers: Simon Moolenaar, COMMONLAND,

Erik van der Elsen (Wageningen Environmental Research)

Jan de Leeuw (ISRIC)